
Jew or gentile, follower of Yeshua or

not ... All are welcome !

  • RED - Maoz Tzur Gatherings

  • PURPLE -
    - Jewish Feasts / Holidays
    - Torah portion for the week

  • GREEN - Presentations / Concerts

  • YELLOW - US Holidays (from Google)
Home Fellowships

The Book of Acts describes how Jewish believers in Jesus often met in each others' homes, devoting themselves to prayer, serving meals to each other, and learning from the leaders in their community about what the Scriptures say about Yeshua.

Please speak to Abraham at our next public gathering if you are interested in being involved in one of our home fellowships.

Biblical Holidays

Our Purim, Passover, Tabernacles, and other Biblical Celebrations are filled with traditional Jewish songs and foods and a lesson from Scripture on what God tells us through The Feasts.

God gave Feasts to Israel as illustrations that speak about the nature and character of the God of Israel. Aspects of each Feast point to Yeshua as the promised Jewish Messiah.

Remembrances, Concerts, Seminars, Celebrations

We set aside time to sing and praise our Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel and wait in prayer to hear His Voice and receive His Word … which is Life itself. We remember such things as Tisha b'Av (the Destruction of the Temple), Yom haShoah (Day of the Holocaust), and Yom haAtzmaut (Israeli Independence Day).

Gatherings - YOU are invited !

Jew or Gentile ... follower of Yeshua - Jesus or not ... ALL ARE WELCOME !!!

Although Scripture relates many incredible things the God of Israel did through individuals, He declared He would make a great people / community from those descended from Abraham and that He would dwell in the midst of that commuity.

The Messiah of Israel - Yeshua then promised "Where two or three are gathered in My Name - I will be there in the midst of them."

We gather to experience Yeshua - present with us by His Ruach ha Kadosh - Holy Spirit.

We are grateful for a church that allows us to use their space for our gatherings.  Join us at -

Lincoln Place Church of the Nazarene   -   5604 Interboro Ave   -   Pittsburgh, PA 15207

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